Work with Attachments and Portfolio Documents

PDF Xpress™ supports working with Attachments and Portfolio Documents.

To determine if a PDF document is a Portfolio, check the IsPortfolio property.

If the document is a Portfolio, if rasterized then what’s rendered is the Portfolio’s Cover Sheet. To access the contents of the portfolio you need to get the Document’s attachments.

The following is an example in which a PDF document is opened, a determination is made as to whether it's a portfolio, and the attachments of the document are accessed. You can then build a UI to show the various properties of the attachments, open the attachment’s data, and modify it.

VB 6
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Option Explicit
Dim pdf As PdfXpress
Private Sub Command1_Click()
    Dim doc As New PdfDocument
    doc.SetParentControl pdf
    doc.OpenDocument "portfolio.pdf", ""
    If (doc.IsPortfolio = True) Then
        Dim attachmentCount As Long
        attachmentCount = doc.GetAttachmentCount
        Dim attachmentIndex As Integer
        For attachmentIndex = 0 To attachmentCount - 1
            Dim attachment As New PdfDocumentAttachment
            Set attachment = doc.GetAttachment(attachmentIndex)
            'access the attachment data as you please here...
        Next attachmentIndex
    End If
End Sub



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